Heating with almost 100% efficiency.
Our customers have often doubted that they can still save with relatively expensive energy costs. An argument is often made to calculate how many kilowatts of energy we need in a room to maintain the desired temperature, so the question is then how the laws of physics do not apply at first glance with SUNLIFE infrared heating panels. We can confirm that the laws of physics also work for our products, and there are basically simple answers to such questions, which hide behind a very complex event, which we will try to explain to you.
Infrared heating has almost 100% efficiency, as electricity is almost entirely converted into heat in the room where the heating body is located. As a result, there are no losses through the chimney and pipes. Ventilation losses are reduced because there is less hot air in the room, and the rise in air temperature is faster, as heated objects that accumulate heat heat up faster, which means that infrared panels are turned on less time than with a convection heating system.
Ekosen infrared heating panels, warmth of the Sun and increased insulation effect in your home!
Each room is individually controlled, so we can heat each room just as much as needed, while avoiding condensation problems with a rapid rise in temperature. The system is extremely responsive, which means additional savings during the transition period.
Over time, the drying effect of the walls increases the effect of insulation. In fact, damp walls in some cases reduce the insulation effect by up to 50%.
We feel that true warmth, we no longer have cold walls to draw heat from our body, as the heat always moves from warm to cold.
Heating of the future.
Feel the Sun
Key reasons for saving
We feel that true warmth.
We feel that true warmth.
Electricity cost grows more slowly over a longer period of time.
Electricity cost grows more slowly over a longer period of time.
Comparison with other types of heating
The calculation of savings is of an informative nature and takes into account all costs: services, replacement of components, renovation and, of course, heating.
Comparison with other types of heating
The calculation of savings is of an informative nature and takes into account all costs: services, replacement of components, renovation and, of course, heating.
Choose a system that interests you.
Oil furnace
Central heating (pellets)
Central heating (electric)
Natural gas furnace
Heat pump (air / water)
Heat pump (earth / water)
Wood central heating
Infrared heating system (infrared heating panels, infrared Sun WiFi regulator *, Smart water heater)
Infrared heating system + 3.7 KW solar power plant (infrared heating panels, infrared Sun WiFi regulator *, Smart water heater)
Approx. investment
turnkey / EUR-
7.860 €
9.350 €
5.440 €
7.950 €
10.420 €
12.860 €
8.480 €
4.690 €
10.710 €
Approx. yearly cost
with maintenance / EUR-
790 €
590 € + your time
730 €
590 €
440 €
290 €
590 € + your time
490 €
60 €
Approx. warranty
3 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
5 years
5 years
3 years
12 years
12 years
25 years
20 years
25 years
25 years
20 years
30 years
25 years
30 years
30 years
Total cost 20 years
energy, maintenance and repairs-
24.660 €
21.150 €
20.040 €
19.750 €
19.220 €
19.160 €
18.280 €
14.490 €
11.910 €
If you want to cover the cost of electricity for the average household, you need 3.5 KW of photovoltaic modules (7.2 KW in total), which means an additional investment of approximately € 3,000. The comparison is made on the basis of data for a new building with excellent insulation (C1) in the size of 130m2. The calculations are indicative and informative. * Warranty on infrared Sun WiFi regulators is 2 years
IR-ogrevanje - informacije iz prve roke
Obiščite nas v naših salonih v Miklavžu (pri Mariboru), Mengšu (pri Ljubljani) in Kopru.
Pridemo tudi k vam. Za naročilo brezplačne izmere kliknite tukaj. Vsak delovnik smo dosegljivi na številki 080 30 10.
Economical and environmentally friendly
Due to the above advantages, we reduce heating costs by up to - 60% compared to heating oil, and by up to - 20% compared to wood pellets.
It is therefore a combination of factors that minimize heat loss, as objects and the environment become a large low-temperature radiator, which changes the heat flow, radiation losses of objects, ventilation losses or the need for additional boost power, and the system is extremely responsive to temperature changes.
Heat pump or Infrared heating panels?
Based on real-life examples, we have prepared a special report on until now carefully hidden facts.
Heat pump or infrared heating panels?
Based on real-life examples, we have prepared a special report on until now carefully hidden facts.
It is true that the heat pump is an older heating system and therefore more popularly recognized. But few people know that a newer infrared heating system is just as effective for a much lower investment.
See the HEAT PUMP / INFRARED HEATING PANEL comparison below. GREEN indicates an investment in INFRARED HEATING PANELS, and RED indicates an investment in a HEAT PUMP.
Comparison with heat pump and electric convection radiators
By heating, we want to raise the average temperature with the heat introduced into the room to such an extent that it provides us with suitable living or working conditions. How much energy we use depends on several factors. First are the heat losses of space and second is the efficiency of the heating system, which, however, exceeds only the COP or SCOP of heating devices. When we talk about efficiency, we need to measure the operation of the heating device in practice, in terms of how many units of energy are needed to raise the temperature in the room to the desired. The latter also depends on the losses of the system, responsiveness and efficiency of energy use in the room to raise the temperature, which depends on the mode of transmission and efficiency of the radiator.
Take for example a heat pump that has a COP of 3, which means that from 1 unit of energy it makes 3. This device is in the basement and heats the room on the 2nd floor, which has stocked radiators by the window and heating takes place during the transition period – warm day, cold night. We quickly see that a lot of energy is lost and that losses continue even when the device is not working, as energy during the day when it is warm also leaks from the heat storage. If we now look at how heating with infrared panels works, we see that the story is completely different. All the energy is consumed in space and only when it is needed. Now comes the question of whether it is not the same if we heat with any electric heater. No, it is not, which you can see by trying to heat a room with a 2 KW iron, small heater or 2 KW with an infrared panel. The difference is significant and is due to the different way of transferring heat to the room and thus also the different energy consumption to achieve the same temperature. infrared heating in circumstances such as living and working spaces brings less losses than any other electric heating. In infrared heating, energy is used extremely efficiently to raise the temperature, provided that the correct radiator, the correct power and the correct position are used. In practice, you save more than 40% compared to an energy-saving electric radiator, while you will almost certainly have problems with humidity and thermal comfort when using classic electric radiators, because there are too many differences in temperature between the walls and the air. The difference in the purchase price is thus more than repaid. However, if any factor is not fully met, completely different effects or inefficiencies occur in infrared heating, so it is recommended that infrared heating be designed by a specialist.
Vabljeni v naše salone, da si ogledate IR-panele SUNLIFE
Vabljeni v naše salone, da si ogledate IR-panele SUNLIFE in se prepričate o njihovi kakovosti. Naš delovni čas si lahko ogledate na vrhu podstrani “KONTAKT”.
Oglejte si izjave naših zadovoljnih strank in si preberite odgovore na pogosta vprašanja, za več informacij lahko pokličete na brezplačni telefon.